Old Lady Names
Looking for Old Lady Names?
Wondering why old lady names are becoming cool again for your baby girl? Searching for a cool old lady name for your new daughter? Hopefully we can help you get a few new ideas with some perfectly cool old lady names that sound old fashioned, but are still great baby girl names.
Vote, Vote, Vote!
Not only do we list some great baby and old lady names, we also have a voting system for each baby name! We will be adding 1-2 baby names every day in order to keep things interesting.
We have people from all over the world voting on the coolest old lady names, and we encourage you to do the same. All you have to do is click the number of stars you think a name deserves, the names with the most stars will float up towards the top of the page.
This way, the old lady names will be ordered in order of popularity with the internet voters around the globe!
What goes around, comes around!
Just like music, fashion and hairstyles, baby names are cyclical. It seems to come full circle every few generations, or around 80-100 years give or take. Most names that were popular around then are once again becoming chic and en vogue.
It's almost a little bit 'hipster' to name your child with one of these old lady names. She sticks out from the crowd and doesn't get lost in the swarm of similarly named children.
Choosing to name your baby girl with an old lady name also keeps a bit of your family heritage alive. Lots of children are being named after grandparents to honor them. However, this is not something you can take lightly. It's not something just to 'do' because you think it will make grandma happy!
Check out all the names we've got listed here, and come back as we update the lists regularly. If you have an old lady name or just a cool name for a girl you'd like us to add, simply click on the contact page and let us know!
Just remember, your child has to live with the old lady names for her entire life so choose wisely!